Ranch Field Trips

Saturday, December 7
Casa Perez
Presidio County, TX

Ranch Field Trips at Casa Perez are intended to provide visitors with an in-depth experience of Donald Judd’s engagement with the land at his ranch, Ayala de Chinati, outside of Marfa, Texas.

This fall Judd Foundation will host Ranch Field Trips at Casa Perez—a new format of our annual Ranch Day. These visits are intended to provide visitors with an in-depth experience of Donald Judd’s engagement with the land at his ranch, Ayala de Chinati, outside of Marfa, Texas. The morning visits will include an arroyo walk, conversation with an expert, and lunch.

Fall 2024 dates:

Saturday, November 9
Saturday, December 7

Ranch Field Trips will be held on two Saturdays this fall, one in November and one in December. The visits will be held at Casa Perez, one of Judd’s three ranch houses maintained by the Foundation.

Each Ranch Field Trip will be limited to 40 guests in order to facilitate greater individual experience and preserve the ranch land. Visitors will be required to register for an advance ticket through our ticketing system. These events are free and open to the public.

Jump to Schedule


9:45am Departure from the Print Building at 104 South Highland Avenue

11:00am Arrival to Casa Perez

11:00-11:45am Open hours exploration of land and house

11:45am-1:00pm Arroyo hike

1:00-1:30pm Community lunch

1:30-2:00pm Talk on the land with expert

2:30pm Departure to Marfa

Attendees are encouraged to carpool. High clearance vehicles required.


Jump to Support


This program has been made possible through the generous support of Fairfax Dorn, and a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts. This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.