102 North Highland Avenue
Marfa, Texas
In January 1990, Judd purchased the Glascock Building located in downtown Marfa. The 5,000-square-foot building was built at the turn of the twentieth century and was originally operated as a store and later housed various commercial businesses. Judd renovated the street level of this two-story structure for use as an architecture office. The building contains furniture and objects designed by Judd, as well as plans and models of his architectural projects, including the Basel Bahnhof and his former Swiss residence, Eichholteren.
The Architecture Office is a contributing building to the Central Marfa Historic District listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The Architecture Office is the first project in the Marfa Restoration Plan. Judd Foundation has initiated a long-term phased plan following five years of extensive research and environmental condition studies in collaboration with project architects SCHAUM/SHIEH, Image Permanence Institute, and Simpson Gumpertz & Heger. Phase one includes two projects, the restoration of the Architecture Office—an early twentieth century building located on Highland Avenue repurposed by Judd for his architectural practice—and the restoration of Judd’s two-story residence, landscaping, and adobe structures at La Mansana de Chinati, The Block. The restoration of the exterior of the Architecture Office was initiated in September 2018.
For further information, please visit the Marfa Restoration Plan.